Weekly Message 

Dear Parents,

We have had another busy week, the PTA have been in school with their Mothers' Day stall which was very popular. The children have been working hard in their lessons and it was lovely to hear how many of our Superstars were highlighted for their attitude to learning.

As you will know the school is going through the process of converting to an academy and joining the Omega Multi Academy Trust. The date for this conversion will be 1st April and we are exciting about the opportunities that this will provide for the school and children. 

Please could you continue to support the children by listening to them read and returning reading diaries each week.

Finally, we are sad to announce that Mrs Smith will be leaving school at Easter. She is currently studying for her MA in Education and is wanting to concentrate on completing the course. She has been associated with Bradshaw in many ways and will be missed by everyone. Mrs Wilson will be continuing to work with Year 1 in a full time capacity until the end of the summer term.

Thank you for all your continued support,

Mrs Sweeney 


Reception -  Aria

Year 1 - Alice

Year 2 - Saffron

Year 3 - Mary

Year 4 - Charlie

Year 5 - Daniel

Year 6 - Skyla

Congratulations to all our superstars on your well earned certificates!



Mon - Y5 Charity Stall after school - Cakes etc for the British Heart Foundation 
Weds - Class Photos
Year 4 and 5 swimming
Thurs - World Book Day
Year 6 trip to stockport air raid shelter
PTA Book Sale - after school
Speak Like a Native Spanish club
Fri - Reception Mothers' day assembly

Updated: 28/03/2024 305 KB
Updated: 28/03/2024 443 KB

Online Safety

Online Safety

Healthy Lifestyles & Well Being

Did you know less than half of the children in the UK walk to school?

The Physiological Benefits Of Walking With Children  Health Benefits Of Walking For Kids We all know that movement is a must for a healthy body, no matter how old you are. However, as technology continues to make life easier and more convenient, it also tends to result in more inactivity, even in children. Encouraging kids to move is a great way to balance out screenti

Things to Remember:

  • Please make sure there is enough money on your child’s Parentpay account to cover their toast and school dinners.
  • Is the snack you are sending into school healthy? Please ensure that the children do not have crisps, chocolate bars etc for their snack. And nothing containing nuts.
  • Please contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
  • Any bout of sickness or diarrhoea has to have a 48 hour absence after the last episode.

Attendance Matters:

There are several children arriving at school after registration time daily. This has a significant impact on our office team who are having to escort children to their classes. Learning time is also being missed. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at 8.45am

The school gate will be closed when the bell goes at 8.55am.

If for some reason your child is late, please make sure you go with them and sign them in at the office. Children can not be responsible for signing themselves in.

The school day begins at 8.55am.