Buzz Friday 17th November 2023
Mr Short’s Weekly Message
Dear Parents,
The children have had another busy week in school. The preparations for Christmas productions are already underway and the stage has gone up! We are also finalizing the details for our trip to Chester Zoo next week. A big thank you to the PTA for funding this. The PTA are holding a meeting this Monday (tonight) and would love your support so they can continue to offer opportunities like this for our children.
Mrs Sweeney
Reception - Isobel
Year 1 - Rosie
Year 2 - Freddie
Year 3 - Cole
Year 4 - Phoebe
Year 5 - Alfie
Year 6 - Akya
Next week:
Monday - Basketball sessions (Y3- Y6),
Freedom Football,
PTA meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday - Freedom Football
Thursday - Spanish Club
Friday - non-uniform for unwanted gifts and bottles for Christmas fayre
Please make sure that any food sent into school is nut free
Tues 12th - 1.30pm Reception Performance for Parents
Wed 13th - 9.30am KS1 (Years 1,2) Christmas Performance - doors open 9.00am
Thurs 14th - 6.00pm KS1 (Years 1,2) Christmas Performance - doors open 5.30pm
Mon 18th - The Children will be walking to church to sing carols
Tues 19th - Christmas Dinner
Wed 20th - Singing around the tree
Thursday 21st December SCHOOL is CLOSED for Christmas
Online Safety
The Kind Leadership Group spent their first session this week looking at what Wellbeing meant - they decided it was when people have a feeling of being comfortable, happy and healthy. They realised this could change at different times and different situations, but there were things that we can all do to help us deal with situations when we feel less comforatable, happy and healthy. The group is currently working on a display to inform the rest of the school what they have found out so far.
Healthy Lifestyles
Did you know less than half of the children in the UK walk to school?
Things to Remember:
Please make sure there is enough money on your child’s Parentpay account to cover their toast and school dinners.
Is the snack you are sending into school healthy? Please ensure that the children do not have crisps, chocolate bars etc for their snack. And nothing containing nuts.
Please contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
Any bout of sickness or diarrhoea has to have a 48 hour absence after the last episode.