Buzz Friday 15th March 2024
Weekly Message
Dear Parents,
Thank you all for your donations towards the PTA Easter Bingo that will be taking place next Thursday, we hope that lots of you can come along to support the event.
As you will know the school will be joining the Omega Multi Academy Trust on 1st April, there are many exciting plans in place for developing the school buildings and grounds as well as helping us to continue to offer the children the best opportunities we can. We are currently looking for a couple of parents to join the new Local Governing Body, the closing date for self nominations is today - as I write we have not had any nominations. This is an important role, but one that does not take up too much time. If you are interested but unsure as to the expectations please contact me to find out more information.
In the past we have had a Parents' Council that worked with school on issues that are relevant to all. This helped with situations such as uniform providers, school photographers, homework etc. We would like to start this council back up again. If at all possible we would like a volunteer from each year group to take part. The meetings will be each half term and last no longer than 30 mins - with each one looking at one particular theme or question.
Finally many of you will have seen that the planters in the playgroud have started to get overgrown. If any of you have a bit of time and are happy to help clear them so we can start to plant them up for the summer that would be great.
For any of the above please contact us through the school office.
Thank you for all your continued support,
Mr Short
Reception - Thomas
Year 1 - Elsie
Year 2 - Freddie
Year 3 - Seb
Year 4 - Aidan
Year 5 - Arlie
Year 6 - Ellie
Congratulations to all our superstars on your well earned certificates!
Tues - Year 5 walk to Sir Thomas Boteler to see their Performance
Weds - Year 4 and 5 swimming
- School's Mental Health Link Teacher working in Year 6 on
Thurs - PTA Bingo in the school hall 3:30pm
Fri - Own Clothes Day - World Maths Day Celebration
Online Safety
Guides and Resources - Parents and Carers
Healthy Lifestyles & Well Being
Chilren and Sleep
Things to Remember:
- Please make sure there is enough money on your child’s Parentpay account to cover their toast and school dinners.
- Is the snack you are sending into school healthy? Please ensure that the children do not have crisps, chocolate bars etc for their snack. And nothing containing nuts.
- Please contact the school office if your child is going to be absent from school.
- Any bout of sickness or diarrhoea has to have a 48 hour absence after the last episode.
Attendance Matters:
There are several children arriving at school after registration time daily. This has a significant impact on our office team who are having to escort children to their classes. Learning time is also being missed. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly at 8.45am.
The school gate will be closed when the bell goes at 8.55am.
If for some reason your child is late, please make sure you go with them and sign them in at the office. Children can not be responsible for signing themselves in.
The school day begins at 8.55am.