Reception and Year 6 Enjoy a Week of Festive Fun and Friendship

It’s been a fun-filled week for the Reception children, who have enjoyed spending quality time with their Year 6 buddies as part of a series of special activities.
On Monday, the children took a walk to the local church, where they explored the surroundings and shared in the excitement of the season. On Wednesday, the Year 6 students and their Reception friends gathered for a festive craft session, creating some beautiful decorations together. The children also enjoyed a special treat – sharing a Christmas lunch, filled with festive cheer, laughter, and delicious food!
The Year 6 children absolutely love spending time with their younger buddies, and it's clear that the feeling is mutual. The Reception children are excited to see their Year 6 friends and always look forward to their time together.
In addition to their fun activities with their buddies, the Reception class has also been getting creative with felt. They’ve been making their own felt baubles, and even mastered some basic sewing skills in the process! It’s been a week full of creativity, friendship, and festive spirit. The children are looking forward to more fun in the weeks ahead!